Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Da WOman

So I finally finished my contest necklace at 1:00am.  My fingers and eyes were burning along with severe tension in my neck and back.  But I'm very impressed with the final result.  When I blogged yesterday I was still in the middle of making the necklace and by the time I finished it, the necklace had taken yet another surprise turn in the way it would turn out.  Ok, remember I said my initial idea was a multi-strand chained necklace?  Well last night I didn't think it was possible and was just going with a single-stranded necklace (but with a funky flair) to it.  So by the time I finished putting on the beads, I was playing around with it and realized that I could still pull of my original idea.  So it's not with the blue and white beads I wanted but I definately love this better.  This has a two in one look to it.  Let me shut up and just post the picture and you can judge for yourself. 

Aren't the Howlite beads beautiful? 

As you can see I definitely swing towards the non-conventional type of necklaces.  If I saw this on someone I would totally die to have it.  It gives off the look that it shouldn't be together but totally does.  OMG I just had a thought.  Imagine this necklace with a white button down shirt (3 buttons un-opened) tucked in black slacks with a pair of black stilettos.  SEXY! 

Now that I have this project complete, I can now focus on the upcoming jewelry show on March 26.  And by focus I mean preparing myself mentally.  Yeah I've spoken about my fear and the drinks I'll have before, but I haven't really been thinking about it since I made the decision to go for it.  Anyways, not much to blog about but I'll keep you up to date.   

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